Sony has started dishing out the stable Android 15 update to its Xperia 1 VI, making it the first device in the company’s lineup to get a taste of the new OS. The update, which clocks in at around 940MB, is already making waves among users in Germany, and it’s likely spreading across Europe, with signs pointing to a broader rollout soon.
So, what’s in store? The highlight here is the arrival of the Video Pro mode in the camera app — a new tool that has photography enthusiasts and content creators buzzing. If you’ve been yearning to flex your creative muscles with pro-level video controls, Sony just made that dream come true.
The update carries the software version 69.1.A.2.78, bundled with Android 15 and a fresh security patch for November 1, 2024. While Sony, true to form, hasn’t provided an in-depth changelog, the Xperia 1 VI’s UK support page confirms the essentials. Beyond the surface, user reports suggest smooth sailing so far, with excitement bubbling over this long-awaited upgrade.
But don’t just take our word for it. Xperia 1 VI owners in Germany are already flaunting their updated devices, reporting snappier performance and diving straight into the Video Pro mode. With this rollout, Sony’s clearly gearing up to set a high bar for its Android 15 devices, although this feature may be exclusive to high-end models.
If you’re rocking an Xperia 1 VI, keep an eye on those notifications — it’s only a matter of time before Android 15 makes its way to your device. Europe seems to be the focus for now, so patience is key if you’re outside the region.
The update isn’t just about Video Pro mode or security patches — it’s a statement that Sony is ready to keep its flagship devices relevant with timely updates. So, plug in your phone, clear some space, and prepare to explore the new features. Android 15 is here, and it’s bringing a touch of creative flair and new features to the Xperia 1 VI.
Stay tuned for more updates, and if you’ve already got the update, don’t hesitate to explore the Video Pro mode.