Epic Games says it’s looking into frustrating performance issues in Fortnite’s LEGO worlds, as players report serious lag, hitching, and even unplayable experiences since the latest update. LEGO Fortnite players have taken to X and Reddit to voice their complaints about the game’s LEGO-themed areas that are stalling, making gameplay challenging or impossible.

In a recent statement, Epic acknowledged the issue: “We’re aware some players are experiencing lag or hitching when in their LEGO worlds. We’re investigating and will update as we know more.” Despite this, players say the problem has persisted, with many hoping a fix will come soon.

The reports started flooding in shortly after Fortnite’s Remix update, with players experiencing frequent lag spikes and rubber-banding that interrupts gameplay. On Reddit, one user shared, “It’s not my internet connection… but everyone I play with is experiencing the lag.” Other users chimed in with similar experiences, describing freezing screens, delayed actions, and trouble placing objects. “I try to log in daily… but with this lag, I won’t risk anything more on my Expert world,” wrote another.

Here’s a video shared on X that shows just how bad the game lags:

That said, even though Epic has confirmed that they’re working on a fix, there’s no timeline for when we can expect the bug to be resolved. For now, players are left to work around the issues or avoid certain areas. Some are holding off on playing until a fix is released, while others are cautiously exploring LEGO worlds, hoping the lag spikes stay manageable.

Feel free to let us know if you managed to find a temporary workaround for the performance hiccups in the comments section below.

Dwayne Cubbins
660 Posts

For nearly a decade, I've been deciphering the complexities of the tech world, with a particular passion for helping users navigate the ever-changing tech landscape. From crafting in-depth guides that unlock your phone's hidden potential to uncovering and explaining the latest bugs and glitches, I make sure you get the most out of your devices. And yes, you might occasionally find me ranting about some truly frustrating tech mishaps.


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