In the past few months, an alarming number of people have reported unauthorized charges on their payment accounts, often under names like “Google Telegram,” “Google TikTok,” or similar labels. The amounts may seem small — ranging from $0.99 to $3 — but the frequency of these charges is turning them into a financial nightmare for many. While looking into the problem, I was able to find reports from victims across platforms, including Cash App, Google Pay, Chime, and others, who have shared their frustration with the seemingly widespread scam.
The issue seems to revolve around fraudulent transactions labeled under trusted names like “Google” or popular apps like “TikTok” and “Telegram.” Users report these charges being tied to digital wallets, bank accounts, and even newly issued cards, making the situation even more confusing and unsettling. One post on Google’s support forums from late October now has over 800 votes from people claiming to have faced the same problem.
One user noted being hit with over 50 attempted charges in just 20 minutes, amounting to hundreds of dollars over time. Similarly, Cash App users have reported charges slipping through even after locking their cards or ordering replacements. Many feel trapped, as blocking one app doesn’t seem to stop the transactions.
Although there’s no official word on the issue, users are speculating about a few potential causes.
Some point to data breaches as a possible culprit, believing their payment details may have been compromised. One user even referenced a recent class-action lawsuit involving Cash App, which stemmed from a data breach. However, no concrete evidence links this case to the fraudulent charges being reported now.
Others suspect subscription scams or phishing schemes. Malicious apps or fake links might trick users into unknowingly authorizing payments, allowing fraudsters to disguise their transactions as legitimate purchases from familiar brands like “Google” or “Telegram.”
A more unsettling theory involves inside jobs or security flaws within payment platforms like Cash App or Google Pay. Some users believe fraudsters might be exploiting system vulnerabilities, managing to charge locked or inactive accounts without proper authorization.
Users are frustrated at the apparent lack of action from payment platforms. Some have questioned whether these companies are doing enough to safeguard their systems, while others argue for stricter monitoring of app stores and payment ecosystems.
One user remarked, “They’re posing as Google because it’s a trustworthy name. Behind the transactions are monsters preying on hardworking people.”
Another noted, “I’ve blocked these merchants, canceled that CashApp card, requested a new CashApp account card as well! I’M STILL RECEIVING MULTIPLE CHARGES FROM OTHER GOOGLE APPS THAT I DO NOT HAVE!!”
Whatever the case, we hope this problem catches the eye of people over at Google and other payment platforms. Having your bank emptied without any explanation is something that’s terrifying. Luckily, some users claim that they managed to speak to customer support to get refunds. So your mileage may vary. Whatever the case, reach out to your bank or payment app’s support team as soon as you notice any fraudulent or suspicious charges.
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Rebekah 20-02-2025
Hey there. I'm a victim of this scam or whatever it is! I've tried to get through to cash app and PayPal and I'm trying to figure out what else to do. It started Friday everything was out of my account in two minutes while I was driving the kids to school all I hear is my phone dinging in the front seat and I can't text and drive so when I got home I looked and noticed it was cash app saying I bought stuff from two different kinds of Roblox and tik Tok and a Google tik Tok and I quickly stopped my card and ordered a new one and now yesterday my pay pal started to do the same thing but with a Google telegram whatever that is? And it's just concerning. I tried the disputes and everything but cash app says it'll take up to 45 days before hearing back to even see if I can get a refund and PayPal I'm waiting for their response back.
Same thing here, but no smartphone, no google devices, no telegram no paypal. Yet the charge happened on my credit card which was under a RFID skim protector outside of my wallet and unused for months near my bed. Go figure
Eric Tyler 14-12-2024
Google telegram charged numerous billings to my PayPal account. All are $2.17. Dec. 10th 2024. Why is PayPal still authorizing payments to this Google telegram? PayPal has to know about this problem. Idk what to do?