If you’ve ever tried to edit text on your iPhone, you’ve likely used the trick where you hold the space bar to move the cursor. It’s one of those little iOS shortcuts that feels like a secret handshake once you figure it out. But here’s the thing — what happens when there is no space bar? Turns out, Apple left another hidden trick for exactly that scenario, and chances are you’ve never noticed it.

Let’s say you’re typing numbers or symbols using the numeric keypad (the one that pops up when the field only accepts numeric inputs). Normally, if you want to adjust a typo or nudge the cursor left or right, you’d have to tap and hold on the screen to move the cursor. But here’s the workaround you might not realize exists. Instead of fumbling around trying to precisely tap and place the cursor, just press and hold the empty area below the 0 key. That blank space acts like an invisible trackpad, letting you slide your finger to move the cursor exactly where you need it.

Here’s a quick video that shows off the feature in action (it loads via Imgur):


This feature is a lifesaver when you’re entering phone numbers in the contacts app, credit card numbers, dates, or passwords — any situation where the numeric keypad is front and center. It’s also one of those “why didn’t I know this sooner?” moments. The catch? It doesn’t work everywhere. Frustratingly, the phone app’s dialer still doesn’t support cursor movement, so editing a phone number you’ve typed requires deleting digits and starting over. (Yes, even old-school flip phones handled this better, as some users pointed out.)

While we’re on the topic of hidden gems, the comments section of the original Reddit post highlighting the feature bubbled up nostalgia for 3D Touch, a pressure-sensitive feature Apple phased out years ago. Back then, pressing harder on the keyboard let you not only move the cursor but also select text. Some users still miss the precision of those older tools, along with brief experiments like adding arrow keys to the keyboard.

For now, though, the invisible trackpad trick is a solid fix for a common annoyance. It’s just another example of how iOS packs in subtle features that aren’t obvious but make daily tasks a bit smoother. The downside? Apple doesn’t exactly advertise these tricks, so you’ll either stumble onto them by accident or hear about them through a random Reddit thread.

Next time you’re pecking at numbers, give that blank space below the 0 a try. And if you’ve got your own under-the-radar iOS tip, share it — because half the fun of these features is passing them along.

Dwayne Cubbins
740 Posts

For nearly a decade, I've been deciphering the complexities of the tech world, with a particular passion for helping users navigate the ever-changing tech landscape. From crafting in-depth guides that unlock your phone's hidden potential to uncovering and explaining the latest bugs and glitches, I make sure you get the most out of your devices. And yes, you might occasionally find me ranting about some truly frustrating tech mishaps.


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