Reddit app users have been reporting issues with viewing comments on profiles. The problem appears to have surfaced following the most recent update for both iOS and Android versions of the Reddit app. Numerous users have taken to the platform’s help forums to voice their concerns and seek solutions.

Complaints about the inability to see comments on profiles have been flooding in across multiple threads on Reddit’s help subreddits. Users are expressing their frustrations and sharing screenshots of the issue, which displays a “Let’s try that again” error message when attempting to view profile comments. Here are some of the reports:

Can’t view my own Profile comments. Please help. Thanks. Oh I can’t view other peoples’ comments either. (Source)

I can not view my own comments on my profile page. Device model: galaxy s21 ultra OS version: 14 Steps to reproduce: 4 Expected and actual result: i expect to see my comments page, but all I see is reddit is having a problem loading them and it asks me to retry loading which doesn’t work no matter how many times I press it. (Source)

I can’t see comments on my profile . It says “looks like reddit is having some trouble” and doesn’t load. Also in chat tab I see “1” indicating one new message or chat . But when I open it there are no new messages or chat . And that “1” doesn’t disappear. (Source)

I noticed the same error while using Reddit version 2024.22.1 on my Android device. Here’s a screenshot of the error:


Acknowledging the problem, an admin on the RedditHelp subreddit responded to the mounting complaints with a brief but reassuring message: “We’re looking into it! Hang tight.” This indicates that the Reddit team is aware of the issue and is actively working on a fix.

The issue is likely due to a bug that was introduced in the latest app update. While the exact cause remains unconfirmed, the timing of the complaints aligns closely with the recent update release. This suggests that a new feature or change may have inadvertently disrupted the comment viewing functionality on user profiles.

For now, users experiencing this issue are advised to remain patient as the Reddit development team works on resolving the bug. Regularly checking for app updates and keeping an eye on official announcements from Reddit may provide further guidance and a timeline for when the fix will be implemented. It’s likely that a fix will go live within the next few hours itself.

In the meantime, users can continue to participate in discussions and access other features of the Reddit app, although they might need to switch to a desktop browser to view profile comments without issues.

As the situation develops, I’ll update the article with any important information that comes out.

Dwayne Cubbins
34 Posts

For nearly a decade, I've been deciphering the complexities of the tech world, with a particular passion for helping users navigate the ever-changing tech landscape. From crafting in-depth guides that unlock your phone's hidden potential to uncovering and explaining the latest bugs and glitches, I make sure you get the most out of your devices. And yes, you might occasionally find me ranting about some truly frustrating tech mishaps.

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