If your Firefox browser just updated to version 135 and text on websites suddenly looks off, you’re not alone. Some eagle-eyed users have taken to Reddit to complain about fonts appearing “choppy,” “pushed together,” or less crisp after the update. The change seems to affect Windows users most, with one user comparing screenshots of Firefox 134’s clean text to the muddier look of the new version.

Here are those screenshots for reference:

New Font
Old font

I know it might seem hard to notice at first, but once you see it, it’s quite obvious.

So what happened? Mozilla quietly changed the default font rendering method for Windows in Firefox 135. The shift moves away from the older GDI Classic system, which many preferred for its sharper text, to a different rendering style. While some users might not notice the tweak, others say it makes reading articles or browsing menus feel strained.

Thankfully, there’s a fix — and it doesn’t require rolling back your browser. A Reddit user shared steps to revert to the previous font settings. Here’s what to do. First, type about:config into your Firefox address bar and hit Enter. Click “Accept the Risk and Continue” if prompted. Next, search for gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.force_gdi_classic_for_families and set its value to this exact string of fonts: Arial,Consolas,Courier New,Microsoft Sans Serif,Segoe UI,Tahoma,Trebuchet MS,Verdana.

Then, find gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.force_gdi_classic_max_size and change its value to 15. Restart Firefox, and fonts should snap back to their pre-update clarity. Users who tested the fix confirmed it worked, with one person calling it a “lifesaver” and another saying they’d “go crazy” without it.

So if the font shift bothers you, tweaking those settings takes just a minute. Feel free to drop a comment below to let me know if this worked for you.

Dwayne Cubbins
735 Posts

For nearly a decade, I've been deciphering the complexities of the tech world, with a particular passion for helping users navigate the ever-changing tech landscape. From crafting in-depth guides that unlock your phone's hidden potential to uncovering and explaining the latest bugs and glitches, I make sure you get the most out of your devices. And yes, you might occasionally find me ranting about some truly frustrating tech mishaps.


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