Samsung’s upcoming One UI 7, built on Android 15, is shaking up the Galaxy ecosystem with exciting features like the Now Bar. Debuting on the Galaxy S24 series as part of the beta rollout, the Now Bar is Samsung’s answer to live activity widgets, sitting snugly at the bottom of the lock screen and Always-On Display (AOD). It offers real-time interaction with apps like Music, Stopwatch, and more, complete with fluid animations that expand for deeper engagement.

The Now Bar is drawing comparisons to Apple’s Dynamic Island, but its functionality feels unique to Samsung’s ecosystem. Users can interact with activities through swipe gestures, all while enjoying seamless integration with the AOD. However, some critics worry about potential usability issues, particularly for devices with lower-placed fingerprint sensors, like the Galaxy A series.

Will the Now Bar come to Galaxy A series?

While One UI 7 is expected to trickle down to mid-range Galaxy A models, there’s speculation that the Now Bar may remain exclusive to flagship devices, at least initially. According to Samsung, the Now Bar will be part of the upcoming Galaxy S25 devices.

Set to be supported on upcoming Galaxy S series devices, Now Bar will transform the lock screen experience, which will continue to evolve with more intelligent experiences in the future.

This has sparked debates among users as the lower positioning of their fingerprint sensors might clash with the Now Bar’s placement. Samsung has not disclosed its plans, but its focus on flagship exclusivity suggests that features like the Now Bar may follow a staggered rollout​.

Samsung users want Depth Effect lock screen wallpaper

Customization is a key focus of One UI 7, with redesigned notifications, a revamped quick settings panel, and fresh lock screen options. Users are also clamoring for a Depth Effect lock screen wallpaper, similar to what Apple offers, though this hasn’t been confirmed in the beta. If feedback is strong enough, Samsung might add it before the final release​.

One UI 7 promises more than just visual tweaks. Features like Galaxy AI Audio Eraser, which enhances sound quality in videos, are also in the works. Samsung’s emphasis on personalization and innovation could make this the most dynamic update yet. However, with a beta program limited to high-end devices, mid-range users may need to wait until 2025 for the full experience.

For now, Galaxy enthusiasts can only speculate — and hope Samsung listens to its diverse user base as One UI 7 continues to evolve.

Hillary Keverenge
541 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


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