Microsoft’s recent revamp of its Copilot AI assistant has been met with mixed reactions. While some users appreciate the new look and interface, others have been left frustrated by a series of unwelcome changes. Accoroding to some users, the new Copilot update has stripped away some features, reduced functionality, and introduced some baffling voice outputs that make the tool feel almost “unusable.”

But the rocky reception doesn’t stop at aesthetics or downgraded performance. Copilot users are now reporting age verification and voice input issues, adding fuel to the fire.

The first issue plaguing Copilot users is a persistent age verification bug. Many users have been locked out of Copilot, greeted by a prompt to confirm their age before they can use the app. For some, this prompt takes them on an endless loop, leaving them stuck on their Microsoft profile page, unable to return to Copilot no matter how many times they verify their age. The problem seems to hit hardest for users under 18, who are now barred from using the app entirely. This restriction, though not clearly communicated by Microsoft, appears to block those who aren’t officially adults from accessing Copilot, a feature they were able to use freely before the update.


Even more frustrating for some users is that those who are over 18 but still facing this issue aren’t finding a quick solution either. Many have reported that even after verifying their age on their Microsoft account, the issue persists. Some users have found a strange but temporarily effective workaround: setting their profile’s birth date much further in the past — so far past that they end up pretending to be much older than 18 just to regain access. Others have discovered they can use guest mode to bypass the problem, but that’s hardly an ideal solution for long-term use.

The second issue is the curious case of the “Sorry, we’ll have to talk later” error. This error pops up for users attempting to use CoPilot’s voice input functionality. When trying to interact via voice commands, Copilot simply refuses to cooperate, instead responding with a message that it’s not available to talk and asking users to check back later. This problem is baffling, especially since everything from reinstalling the app to adjusting microphone permissions doesn’t work. Some have noticed that the issue seems to have started after the recent update, further adding to the impression that the revamped Copilot is a step in the wrong direction.


Despite these glaring issues, Copilot isn’t completely down for the count. Workarounds like using guest mode or fudging your age in the Microsoft profile settings have been reported as temporary solutions. But these are patchwork fixes that users hope won’t be necessary in the long term.

While Microsoft has not yet issued an official statement addressing the age verification and voice input issues, it’s likely that they are aware of the problems and working on bugfixes and other Copilot improvements.

Hillary Keverenge
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Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


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