Remember when Copilot looked… normal? Well, that might be a distant memory now if you’re stuck with the latest UI update that’s been making the rounds. Reports have been flooding in this week, with users on various forums practically fuming over Microsoft’s Copilot revamp. The good news? You’re not alone, and yes, there’s a way back. The bad news? It might not last long.

Microsoft decided to give Copilot a little “glow-up,” but for many, it felt more like a faceplant. People loved the old, simple interface, and this flashy new design isn’t doing anyone any favors. Users have been hunting for ways to roll things back to the good ol’ days when the UI didn’t feel so clunky. Enter the workaround.

The first workaround was a breeze: you could simply add /copilot/ to the URL — This took you straight to the old interface.

That was until Microsoft wised up and said, “Not today!” As of now, this trick no longer works. The old UI was quietly patched up and replaced, leaving users stranded with the new interface. But there’s no need to panic just yet. Another crafty URL hack has emerged, and it’s still working (at least for now). Here’s the magic link:

This URL is your last shot at bringing back the old Copilot look. From user reports, it still works perfectly, especially if you’re more of a fan of the white-background version, although you can still get the black UI. But there’s a catch (isn’t there always?). This workaround could be patched any day, so enjoy it while it lasts. Also worth noting is that you might encounter a bug or two, like images not showing up in your chat history, but most users seem happy enough to put up with these quirks if it means seeing the old UI again.

While this new workaround seems to be holding up, it feels like a matter of time before Microsoft updates this URL too. There’s a bit of a cat-and-mouse game going on here, with users scrambling to keep the old interface alive and Microsoft, well, quietly replacing it. Keep an eye on those URLs, but don’t get too attached. Microsoft will probably get around to switching everything over to the new Copilot UI eventually.

In the meantime, enjoy that familiar layout while you can.

Hillary Keverenge
302 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


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