Is Instagram about to spill the tea on who’s been creeping on your profile? Whispers of a “profile views” feature have sent shivers (and maybe a thrill?) down the spines of some Instagram users everywhere. But before you block all your exes and hide your finsta (fake Instagram account), let’s separate the facts from the fiction.

The rumor mill has been churning out conspiracies about Instagram finally letting you know who’s been lurking in your digital shadows. Some users are having flashbacks to middle school, fearing the end of their anonymous browsing days. Others, well, they’re just popcorn-munching spectators to the drama.

Thankfully, Instagram product designer Jenny Eishingdrelo hopped onto the scene to debunk the rumors with a casual “Nah.” Phew! Apparently, these “views” are more like insights you already get with business accounts, not a full-blown LinkedIn profile tracker.


While Instagram denies the rumors for now, the whispers might not entirely vanish. Here’s why: TikTok, Instagram’s trendsetting competitor, already has a profile view feature. It works like a two-way street: you see who viewed yours, but only if they let others see theirs. So, the possibility of a similar feature on Instagram isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Typically, Instagram blows the lid off new features through Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s “Meta Channel” or Adam Mosseri’s “IG Updates” channel. Since these official channels haven’t uttered a peep about profile views coming to Instagram (as of this writing), it’s safe to say it’s not a confirmed feature… yet.

So, what’s the takeaway? For now, the rumors of Instagram profile views seem to be just that: rumors. But with TikTok’s feature as inspiration, Instagram might be keeping its options open. Until then, keep an eye on those official channels, and maybe give your finsta a little break – just in case.

For now, you can continue to browse profiles anonymously, at least until further notice.

Featured image: Instagram

Hillary Keverenge
185 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


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