Update 30/07/24: A new Android 15 Beta 4.1 update is live with fixes for the call dropping issues.

Original article follows:

The latest Android 15 Beta 4 update has Pixel 6 series users playing a not-so-fun game of “Can you hear me now?” Since the update rolled out a week ago, reports have been pouring in about dropped calls and silent phone lines.

Hundreds of Pixel 6 users have shared harrowing tales of multiple phone calls turning into silent movies after just 20 seconds. Even worse, their screen stays active, scrolling through menus and landing on the alarm clock during calls. Others have reported an unstable LTE connection and network disappearing for 15-20 seconds before magically returning.

With the August 13 launch event around the corner, Google’s Android team is probably more focused on getting users to upgrade to the Pixel 9 series. But this shouldn’t come at the expense of Pixel 6 users.

The complaints keep rolling in. From dropped calls to phones heating up during conversations, users are venting their frustrations on forums and social media. One user tried everything short of summoning a tech exorcist — clearing the cache, rebooting, switching to Wi-Fi calling, and even praying to the Google gods — only to find their calls still dropping at random intervals.

Interestingly, some have found that the calls don’t drop entirely; they just go silent. A quick switch to speaker mode and back seems to restore the conversation, as does using headphones. It’s not a perfect fix, but at least it means fewer interrupted heart-to-hearts.

The issue has gained significant traction, amassing over 220 upvotes on the Issue Tracker and finally being marked as “Assigned.” Google acknowledges the problem, and the tech giant is investigating the glitch. So, there’s hope on the horizon for Pixel 6, 6 Pro, and 6A users.

In the meantime, if your Pixel 6 series device starts acting like a moody teenager, remember you’re not alone. Try toggling the speaker or maybe even dust off those aging headphones you haven’t used in ages. And keep those bug reports coming — it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, or in this case, the fix.

Hillary Keverenge
712 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


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