Update 06/08/24: Hulu support on X is now recommending the same workaround that we’ve highlighted and has worked for some of our readers — deleting any unused apps to free up space. And this is a bit worrying since it suggests there’s still no permanent fix to this glitch.

Update 25/07/24: Hulu support on X has finally acknowledged this issue and is looking into it.


Update 23/07/24: One of our readers (Ellie) who contacted Hulu support says the team is aware of this issue and working with Samsung on a solution likely coming this week. Meanwhile, you may try removing unused apps from your TV to create enough storage space required to run the Hulu app. This seems to have worked for a couple of our readers as well.

Neither Samsung nor Hulu has officially acknowledged this glitch.

Original article follows:

There seems to be a glitch in the streaming matrix for Hulu users on Samsung TVs. Several users are reporting a message claiming an update is available for the Hulu app, but upon searching, they find nothing but an empty digital landscape. Is this a case of mistaken identity or a mischievous update gremlin playing hide-and-seek?

According to Hulu’s official support page, Samsung TVs are supposed to receive updates automatically, leaving users with the latest version whenever they open the app. But for some, the messageUpdate Available” keeps taunting them like a notification you just can’t seem to clear.


While the cause of this confusion remains a mystery, there is a potential solution that one user has found helpful. Apparently, removing and reinstalling the Hulu app can break the update spell and get things streaming smoothly again. So, if you’re wrestling with this update phantom, try deleting and reinstalling the Hulu app, but this possible on select devices. Hopefully, this will banish the update gremlin and get you back to your regularly scheduled dose of your favorite shows.

While this isn’t an official fix, it’s a promising workaround that might help until Hulu and Samsung address the underlying issue. So, if you’re caught in this frustrating Hulu update cycle on your Samsung TV, give the reinstall method a try — it just might save your weekend’s binge-watching plans.

Featured image: Samsung

Hillary Keverenge
302 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


Forum Bunny13-09-2024

My Samsung TV had Hulu reinstalled and I wasn't able to uninstall it. I did find a combo from suggestions here that eventually triggered an update. I turned off updates, turned off TV, turned on TV, turned updates on. Then, key here, I pressed the remote control power button for 10+ seconds and it did some funky stuff, but I started on the apps menu. From there, I opened Hulu and when it got to the update screen I went ahead and press+hold the back button. The app menu returned and I found I could get an update to Hulu then. Updated it and it works now! This took about an hour to find, test, and eventually triggered the manual update. Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Totally stuck in the suck without y'all! GL!


Nope! It will not let me delete the app from the TV. And on the app itself it says it was updated on 07/30/24. Not sure what to do but this is frustrating as he'll! The app works on mobile device which by the way is a Samsung as well and also works on my cheap Walmart brand Roku tv. Please help!

Josh 19-08-2024

I had the same issue. I deleted the app and reinstalled. That worked for me.


The update isn't available because the device has too much bloatware. As previous users have pointed out, uninstall unused apps until you have enough space to trigger the update download.


Key is to go ahead and delete unused apps and then update Hulu. That worked for me


Yup removing unnecessary apps and then reinstalling worked for me too


"RGW" Thank you! It worked!

Hector 05-08-2024

If you are still having trouble with this today, I recommend following the instructions of others who said deleting apps from your Samsung TV and then reinstalling Hulu again. I just did this and it only took a few minutes for it to work again. Thanks to those who provided that information!

Birgit Cate04-08-2024

I tried to deleting my Hulu app but but I get a message saying the basic set of apps on your device cannot be deleted so then I try to reinstall it, which is my next option but then I get a message saying unable to install. Please try again later. (116) and it’s been like that for the past couple of months the only way I can watch Hulu now is on my Amazon fire stick


I had this problem and went to my apps and found the memory to be full. I removed all the apps I do not use and it then let me reinstall hulu from that same menu in hulu's drop down.

Michael Horwitz01-08-2024

The service I received was excellent. The support person was very clear on his instructions and patient as I found the information he was looking for. The instructions resolved my issue with Hulu.


Finallyyyyyy I removed a bunch of apps, then it let me re install the app in the settings. I also removed the devices from my Hulu account on their website.


No way to update even if it says you have to exit to do so. I’ve tried uninstalling Hulu then then reinstalling. Doesn’t work. I’ve tried deleting unused apps. Still doesn’t work. Now what?


Thank you


Yay! Finally something worked! As many said, there’s no way to uninstall the Hulu app. So similar to some commenters suggested- I uninstalled other apps, turned auto update off, turned tv off and back on, then reinstalled Hulu app which included whatever update that was causing issue. It seems like the root issue is not having enough storage space on your tv. So while these solutions might be slightly different, the vital part is to free up space by deleting unused apps. Good luck!


My Samsung tv won’t allow me to remove and reinstall unfortunately.


I spent 21/2 hrs with chat Samsung tech (he even used his remote repair tool) re this update issue. He and his supervisor were unable to delete Hulu app and reinstall (because it was preinstalled—I already knew that!). They wanted to reset my Smart Hub but I refused because all of my apps would have been uninstalled, etc. No guarantee that such a radical move would even solve this issue. They said my tv is working fine and the problem is with the app. Hulu tech says only Samsung can fix this issue. I plan to write a letter to Samsung’s CEO. I am locked into a faulty bundle app that I cannot cancel as it is tied to my phone contract with Verizon. Everyone needs to continue to complain loudly until this ongoing issue is resolved!


I had this problem, but although my Samsung smart tv won't let me uninstall hulu, I fixed it by deleting some apps. It took deleting a number of apps to have enough space. I believe Hulu said you need at least 25 MB of space? When I deleted enough apps, it let me reinstall Hulu with out deleting it, then the update completed.


No luck with the work around for me and I can't uninstall Hulu. And still no change/fix as of 10pm EST on 7/25. Frustrating 😡

S. Knight 25-07-2024

Ashley Bussard’s work around actually worked. I deleted a few apps, turned off the auto-update from the setting screen within the app screen, turned off the tv and then back on, selected the Hulu app and it allowed me to update. Thank you!

Zack Morris24-07-2024

You are a genius! haha it worked thank you team.

That guy24-07-2024

You have to uninstall apps and then reinstall


I did as another suggested and it worked. Apps -> Settings. Turn auto updates OFF Go back into Hulu. It will now ask you to install and update. Select Install. Message on screen says not enough memory. Deleted about 4 unused apps. Went back to Hulu. Selected to Install the update. It updated and is back up and running.


I have a fix for the Samsung TV and hulu update trouble. I asked a hulu chat and they told me to uninstall some unused apps. Done. Then, after a few minutes, I was able to get into hulu on my Samsung TV.

Himanshu Arora23-07-2024

Thanks @Ellie for sharing this info.

Himanshu Arora23-07-2024

Thanks @TyFischer for sharing the temporary fix. It'd be great if others can give this a try as well and share if the fix worked for them.


Same as others... my Samsung tv won't let me delete this basic preinstalled app. There is no update to install.


Me, too. But I saw a message somewhere along the way that says an update is scheduled for 7/25/2024. Wait til then to try again?


Doesn’t work, Samsung won’t let me delete or reinstall the app.

Ashley Bussard23-07-2024

I was having the same problems but I think I figured it out. I turned off auto updates and then turned the TV back off and then on again and then when I clicked on the Hulu app it asked if I wanted to update and then after a couple of minutes when I reclicked on it, it loaded!

Robert Oppenheim22-07-2024

I pulled out an old Roku stick and hooked it up. Now I have Hulu back on that set


Just spoke to a rep at Hulu and they said they're working with Samsung to resolve this.

Ty Fischer22-07-2024

I found the fix. Most likely your TV does not have enough memory or space to update the Hulu app so we have to create some space. Follow these steps below. I had this issue, worked with Hulu and this was the fix. 1. Go to your APP store and uninstall as many unused apps as possible. 2. Turn your TV off and unplug it for 30-60 seconds 3. Go back to your APP store and select reinstall on the Hulu App. Should work perfectly now.


Currently stuck in this cycle myself. I’ve tried everything but uninstalling as I hate signing back in with the smart remote. I’ll give it a shot I guess.

Mary dame 22-07-2024

My Samsung TV won’t let me delete Hulu since it was pre installed .


“The basic set of apps on your device cannot be deleted.” Depending on the Samsun TV you have, deleting and uninstalling the app might not be an option.


Sadly it doesn't allow me to remove and reinstall as it was a "basic app" included.. need a new solution

Jen D21-07-2024

We get this message, but we cannot delete the app to reinstall it…..


I'm having the same issue. Only issue with removing the hulu app on my TV is that it's a standard app and they don't let you remove it. When I try to reinstall it, it gives me an error 112.


So hulu came installed on my samsung smart tv so there is no option to delete it. There is an option to reinstall but I am met with error “unable to install. Try again later (116)” Any suggestions? Thanks!


Thank you. I tried everything. Now I'll just wait for "them" to fix it.


Unfortunately, this wouldn’t work for me. When I tried to delete the Hulu app it said it was in a set of apps that cannot be deleted…whatever that means. Then, I tried to just “reinstall” it, and it said “could not reinstall error code 116”. I’ve been trying for days to get Hulu to work. I’m so frustrated.


This didn’t work.

Gypsy 20-07-2024

I can’t even get it to uninstall

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