Discord users are having a meltdown of epic proportions. The culprit? Ads. Apparently, YouTube has decided to serve ads on videos embedded within Discord, and paying YouTube Premium subscribers are not exempt from this frustration.

Previously, users enjoyed an ad-free experience when watching YouTube clips through Discord. Now, however, every click seems to unleash a barrage of commercials, interrupting precious meme-viewing moments. The reports suggest this ad onslaught began just a few days ago. Users are confused and some are downright furious. After all, who wants to be served a two-minute ad for fast food before watching a three-second meme?

A flurry of posts on social media platforms reveals the frustration. One user vented their irritation at seeing ads pop up before a 6-second meme, while another humorously suggested that YouTube’s ad experiment on Discord might lead to the platform’s implosion. The consensus? This is a major buzzkill. Users, including those who pay for YouTube Premium and Discord Nitro, aren’t spared. And no, ad blockers can’t save the day this time.


Theorists are having a field day. Some speculate this is a targeted experiment by YouTube, with Discord as the testing ground. Given Discord’s high traffic and potential for revenue generation, it makes sense as a testing ground. But for the average user, it’s a mystery wrapped in an enigma, served with a side of irritation. Others believe YouTube is simply trying to squeeze more revenue out of previously unmonetized views.

While some users are threatening to cancel their subscriptions, there are some workarounds. Since you aren’t logged into YouTube via Discord, the platform can’t differentiate between premium and non-premium accounts, hence the ads. To avoid them, open the embedded link in a web browser or the YouTube app, a cumbersome workaround for those accustomed to the seamless experience.

One sure thing is that the Discord community is not happy. But for now, it’s a waiting game to see if YouTube will roll back this feature or if it will become a permanent fixture in the Discord experience.

Hillary Keverenge
615 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.



The worst part is - YT knows that you have YT premium when watching via Discord embeds. I literally have plays through Discord embeds show up in my watch history. There is no real reason why YT premium ppl should be seeing ads in Discord...

A Fridge Too Far28-08-2024

Experiencing bullshit like this even though we're paying SPECIFICALLY to not experience said bullshit makes me question why we're buying premium at all. What a load of crap.


The fact this happens when you have YouTube premium is insane to me


I pay for Youtube Premium and Discord Nitro WHY am I getting Ads


It's incredibly annoying. Even as a Youtube Premium Member you will now receive adds. Despite paying Youtube to remain add-free.

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