You’ve probably received an email from Microsoft by now, and if you’re like most of us, it’s buried under a heap of unread messages. But if it says something about the safety and security of your information and a September 16 deadline, you might want to dig it out. Microsoft is switching things up, and it’s kind of a big deal. They’re officially pulling the plug on Basic Authentication, which means your Hotmail,, or email address could stop working in some apps if you don’t make a few tweaks. We highlighted this issue back in March, and it’s finally happening.

But don’t panic just yet. Here’s the transition timeline:

  • June 11, 2024: Basic Authentication end of support timeline communicated
  • End of June 2024: Outlook account actively using Basic Authentication contacted via email
  • September 16, 2024: Basic Authentication no longer available to access any Outlook account

What’s actually happening?

In a support page published in June, Microsoft says come September 16 Outlook will no longer let you log in to your email using just your Microsoft username and password through third-party apps that rely on the old-school Basic Authentication. They’re upgrading everyone to Modern Authentication — the cool new security standard, which uses something like OAuth2. Sounds fancy, but all you really need to know is it’s more secure and harder for hackers to mess with.

If you’re using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, or even Gmail to check your Hotmail account, this change might affect you.

So, do you need to do anything? That depends on how you access your email. Let’s dive in:

    1. Outlook for Windows:

If you’re on Outlook 2016, 2013, or (gasp) older versions, it’s time for an upgrade. These guys just don’t support Modern Authentication. You’ll either need a new version (Outlook 365 works great!) or switch to Syncing. Outlook is free! Yes, you read that right. Head to the Microsoft Store, grab the latest version, and you’re golden.

    2. Apple Mail users:

If you’ve noticed some funky password prompts lately, it’s because your account might still be stuck in the Basic Authentication twilight zone. The fix? Remove your Outlook account from Apple Mail and add it back as That’ll force it to use Modern Authentication and all should be well in the world again. Still having issues? Clear your Safari history and reboot your device before adding the account back. Sometimes, even technology needs a little reset.

    3. Mozilla Thunderbird fans:

Thunderbird plays nicely with Modern Authentication, but you’ll need to tweak some settings. Go into your account settings and make sure both your incoming and outgoing mail are set to use OAuth2 instead of the old-fashioned “Normal password” option. Alternatively, simply delete your current account from Thunderbird and add it back. Thunderbird will automatically detect the correct settings, and you’ll just need to sign in to get properly set up with Modern Authentication and the right server configurations. Easy-peasy.

    4. Other email apps:

Not all apps support Modern Authentication. If your app doesn’t list as an option, you might want to get in touch with their support team — or, better yet just switch to Outlook. Like we said, it’s free. Come September 16, if your email app is still relying on Basic Authentication, you’ll be locked out.

Microsoft’s push to Modern Authentication might feel like a hassle, but it’s really all about keeping your info safe from prying eyes. So, hop to it for a more secure email experience.

Hillary Keverenge
695 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


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