It’s been a wild ride for Sonos users over the past couple of months. The redesigned app has been a buggy rollercoaster, with essential features dropping off like flies and leaving users in a state of digital despair. But guess what? The Sonos team has been working overtime, and their latest app update is bringing back some long-missed functionalities, particularly for the local music library enthusiasts.

First off, the highly requested local music library setup, configuration, and search features are back. Yes, you read that right. After what felt like an eternity, you can once again dive into your personal music stash directly from your mobile app. This is music to the ears (pun totally intended) of those who have been lamenting the loss of this feature.

The update to version 80.05.06 (Android) and 80.05.04 (iOS) isn’t just about the local library. Sonos has packed in a host of bug fixes and functionality improvements to sweeten the deal. Here’s the full rundown of what’s new:

  • Added setup, configuration, and search for local Music Library
  • Improved account settings for Sonos Pro subscribers
  • Improved line-in autoplay and compression settings
  • Improved accessibility in Settings
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level
  • Amp/Port can be configured for Stereo or Mono output in Android
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp

More goodies on the horizon

Sonos isn’t stopping there. In the next update, expect even more goodies:

  • Playlist editing: Finally, you can tweak your playlists to perfection.
  • Downgrade from S2 to S1: Flexibility for those nostalgic for the old app and a welcome idea for those with compatibility issues since v16.3 update.
  • Offline device persistence: Your offline devices won’t vanish.
  • Additional configurations: More ways to tailor your Sonos experience.

A few snags to watch out for

While the return of the local music library is a huge win, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows just yet. Here are a few known issues that Sonos is actively working on:

  • Reindexing delays: After adding or removing a share, the reindexing process might lag, making it seem like nothing’s happening. But trust us, it is actually indexing.
  • Internet requirement: Music Library Search still needs an internet connection.
  • Alarm issues: Local Music Library won’t function with alarms.
  • Android specifics: The “More” menu and other options might throw a “something went wrong” error for local content. Albums in the local library also can’t be favorited.
  • iOS specifics: No album art for albums in Sonos Favorites.

A message from Sonos

A Sonos employee acknowledged the less-than-ideal state of the Music Library functionality, emphasizing the team’s commitment to fixing these issues. It’s clear that Sonos is striving to regain user trust, one update at a time.

So, Sonos fans, keep those updates rolling in, and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with the team. Your feedback is driving these improvements and helping fix the issues introduced in the redesigned app. With each update, Sonos will hope to inch closer to the seamless, bug-free experience we all crave.

Hillary Keverenge
647 Posts

Tech junkie. Gadget whisperer. Firmware fighter. I'm here to share my love-hate relationship with technology, one unboxing at a time.


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